While in Washington DC for the AEP Awards, I took the opportunity to visit the National Galleries of Art. I hadn't been there in years, certainly not since I started with Teacher's Discovery Traveling Exhibits.
As I said, it was 100 degrees in Washington that weekend and I was quite warm by the time I walked the several blocks to the West Gallery. The cool air in the magnificent building provided immediate relief. The feeling of entering this gallery provided a different feeling, more awestruck that I have ever felt entering a museum. I wasn't sure why, I have been to many wonderful museums. But then it dawned on me, this is what we do with Teacher's Discovery Traveling Exhibits, we bring this art to the classrooms, libraries and hearts of the students of the U.S.
Class field trips used to be quite common. Budget cuts and security concerns have made the trips far less common. For many schools and libraries, museums simply are not close enough. We are helping to bring art to you. Maybe not original art, like in the National Gallery, but such a good reproduction, you can see brushstrokes. The enormous size we provide contributes to the experience, so much different than a slide or a poster.
My feeling of awe is probably much like the experience you give your students and guests when you display an exhibit. Suddenly, the art is real, the talent is beyond comprehension and history is before your eyes.
I thought I knew why I have this job. Now I really know.