I love Google, who doesn't? But I especially love when they subtly change the famous Google icon to celebrate something. Today, Google celebrates Rene Magritte, the painter from Belgium who gave us some of the most interesting and mysterious paintings of the 20th century. Today, Rene Magritte would have been 110.
The 20th century gave us many memorable works of art, Picasso and Dali, Warhol and Pollock. But the work of Magritte stands alone in it's originality and dream-like quality.
Traveling Exhibits does not have a Magritte Exhibit (yet!) but we have a wonderful Prestel book called Now You See It-Now You Don't about Magritte. Hardcover, 28 pages, beautiful book. I like to think of this series from Prestel as simple, not simplistic. A wonderful overview and interesting story.
We also created a fun computer games to reinforce art history called 20th Century Art Challenge Game. Just $29.99, it will be available Dec. 12, pre-orders are welcome.
Has anyone noticed that the advertisement for the ABC television series called Eli Stone looked similar to...
Son Of Man, 1964, Collection of Harry Torcyzner, Mohegan Lake, New York
ABC Television